Love of a big sister knows no bound

It was a long weekend for some Florida residents especially those closer to the eye of the storm, to some this might be a once in a life time adventure getting to experience what a category 4/5 hurricane feels like, but to some it is not something they would want to ever experience. For others, it was anxiety driven but for us, it was mixed, regardless we had a chunk of fun, stayed at home all day for updates, off school, off work and enjoyed the curfew; restriction of movements while it all lasted.  Apparently, it was an opportunity for us to catch up with all the house chores we neglected but still we got to relax. We were hopeful while the short storm raged, we hoped for the best because we prepared for the worst, but it never came, and changed course that spared us all. Then our hope for the best paid off in the end.

Sibling and a Playmate for life
 Then excitingly, after all the fun and mixed feelings, there comes a resounding moment of a greater joy just a day after. Of course there is no better way to wrap up the phenomenal weekend of hurricane Matthew better than the arrival of another beautiful amazon; NEFESOCHI CHIDERA into the Nonyelum's dynasty just a day after the storm.

She patiently waited till it is all raged and cleared, then she gently showed up boom!! on Sunday 10/09/2016 at 11am. She weighed 7.13 pounds and 20.14 cm in height. 

We could not have been more excited , but her big-sister Adachijokx seems more excited than we are.We saw the startling, the unspeakable joy, a unique form of love, compassion so natural all flowing through as she held her little sister with cheek full of smiles. It is true that the love of a big sister knows no bounds. The connection between both was so unique, a true reflection of Emily thorne's words; that the moment we are born, we are drawn to form a unique union. An abiding drive to connect, to love, and to belong. 

We could not have been more proud, it has always been grace from above; Na God win and we are proud of the unmerited favors that knows no bounds.

Thinking out loud in words for Adachijokx. 10/10/16



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